Friday, March 31, 2023

Holding Up Big Dead Crows Impresses The Ladies?

 A response to 3/22/23 Inter-County Leader Story "Snow hunt like a crow hunt"

Letter to the Editor of the Intercounty Leader, PO Box 490, Frederic, WI  54837 Submitted April 2, 2023

 The March 22, 2023 Intercounty Leader included a story about the Crow Hunt Sponsored by a number of businesses in the Wanderoos area.  It is difficult for me to imagine that responsible adults in this day and age still believe and promote the idea that shooting crows and throwing them in a dumpster is practicing “sensible conservation”.  Unfortunately, more often than not in our world today it is this sort of messed up belief system that guides us as we struggle with bigger problems.  Shooting crows to protect monoculture grown crops, or to supposedly save other birds babies, or even because is just something the organizers boyfriend “enjoys” - seems mostly like a cheap excuse to kill one of the most intelligent and probably most important birds in our ecosystem.  And then to make jokes about the crows tasting like duck, and then toss their dead and gutted bodies in a dumpster instead of utilizing these creatures as a source of food, is more than just bad taste, but reveals the deeper disconnect our culture has from the natural world from which we depend on for all we need.  Feel free to print the attached cartoon I put together in response to this sad story. 


 Tom Jablonski

504 Oak Street North

Frederic, WI  54837

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