Friday, February 24, 2023



Military Loafers test worn by celebraty Tim Cruze.    
With the onslaught of unidentified floating balloons invading our friendly skies, Loafer Technologies LLC is proud to unleash our latest loafers designed to keep America’s Top Gunners feet safe and comfortable while they blow up the invading slow moving unmanned balloons.   Using the latest in loafer technology, our designers have developed a comfortable yet practical military style loafer, that will blend in well as our sky’s become filled with loose slow moving and shiny balloons invaders.  We are also proud that these new smart military loafers are planet friendly as well since only non-virgin recycled Mylar balloons are used in our patented loafer wrapping process.  And when the Top Gun pilots run out of balloons to blowup, they can take off the loafers, stretch their legs, and wave the shiny bottoms of the loafers at the sun to reduce the temperature of the planet to boot. This latest in reflective technology will also confuse any laser tracking devices the unidentified balloons have installed that could threaten to overheat the pilots’ feet.

With the multipurpose versatility of the shiny loafers, celebrity Top Gunner Tim Cruze explained after taking a pair of our military loafers for a test ride “these amazing foot coverings are like the Swiss Army knife of loafers.  I can’t wait to star in Top Gun 3 so I can wear some of these in an actual fighter jet!”.  With reviews like that, we are sure to score some major defense spending coin, while the US Airforce deals the knock-out punch to the rest of the unidentified balloon invaders.  This latest footwear innovation proves once again that we care about our armed forces feet, and pushing back global warming heat, with our custom military loafers hand wrapped with Mylar in our Fredric Wisconsin USA manufacturing plant.  And like freedom, our loafers aren’t cheap, but we are offering the US government a buy one loafer, and get the second one free as part of the Green New Deal bonanza. 

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