Wednesday, December 16, 2020


From:  1967-1968 Ladysmith Public Schools KINDERGARTEN [CHILDREN GARDEN] REPORT

In order that a pupil achieve a reasonable amount of school success, it is desirable for him to [among other things]:

Work and play well with other children

PARENTS Your children are the best investment you have.  [Therefore, among other things] Teach them obedience and respect for authority early.  This training should start in the home. 


Bob said...

We went with independent creative thinking and cooperative action for our kids. They seem to be o.k.

Tried obedience and respect for authority on the dog; got the bite marks to prove it. ;-)

I am not a robot, robot, robot, robot....

Tom Jablonski said...

I got some bite marks on my arms from the kids, who also didn't much appreciate the obedience training. Could have used some more enlightened teachers, or at least I shall blame them for my obedient ways.